Aumentar; Aumentos
= boost, build-up [buildup], extension, growth, increase, rise, tide, expansion, deepening, augmentation, increase in numbers, growth in number, surge, upswing, widening, waxing, enlargement, heightening.
Ex: Consequently, Leforte came to expect -- perhaps even take for granted -- the periodic boosts of ego and income that the evaluations provided.
Ex: No problem usually with terminals and micros but there could be an undesirable temperature build-up in confined areas.
Ex: These can be seen as extensions of the supportive role provided by Neighbourhood Advice Centres to community groups.
Ex: This document contains information on such concepts as settlement, urban growth, field patterns, forest clearance and many others.
Ex: The term you have chosen indicates an increase in specificity, since it is one of the members of the group described by the basic term.
Ex: The rapid rise of computer literacy in the world has led to a demand for the easy availability of many kinds of information.
Ex: What has happened is that yet another institution has so overlapped with our own that we are being swept along on the tide of the technological revolution.
Ex: This is not a simple general expansion of a description but an increasing emphasis upon aspects of the book.
Ex: There is a categorical moral imperative for a deepening and a renewal of the concept of collegiality -- that is a blend of intense competition and mutual support -- in relations between research scholars and research librarians.
Ex: If the budget will not permit staff augmentation, then the reference librarian must help the department head to make the most of available resources.
Ex: The present increase in numbers of overseas students in Australia tertiary institutions has implications for libraries.
Ex: The growth in number of national, regional and international agricultural organisations has resulted in a vast output of scientific and technical literature, issued in a wide variety of forms.
Ex: The Internet is also creating a new surge of interest in information in all forms, and a revitalized interest in reading.
Ex: The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales.
Ex: Despite growth in export volume in recent years, there has been a widening of the national current account deficit from 8.8% to over 20%.
Ex: This waning of one discipline and waxing of another represents the fundamental incommensurability, yet mutual dependence, of existing disciplinary categories of knowledge.
Ex: This enlargement of interests forms the basis of the claim to provide an information education appropriate to other than library-type environments.
Ex: The arts can serve the heightening of our sensibilities to the theological dimensions of cultural movements.
* aumento acelerado = spurt.
* aumento acusado = sharp increase.
* aumento asociado a la inflación = inflation-adjusted.
* aumento de = increased.
* aumento de costes = increased costs, cost increase.
* aumento de la demanda = increase in (the) demand, increased demand.
* aumento de la producción = increased production.
* aumento de las diferencias entre ... y = widening gap between ... and, widening of the gap beween .... and.
* aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
* aumento de los impuestos = tax increase.
* aumento del uso = increased use.
* aumento de pecho = breast augmentation, breast enlargement.
* aumento de peso = weight gain.
* aumento de precios = price increase, increased price.
* aumento en espesor = thickening.
* aumento notable = rising tide.
* aumento repentino = upsurge.
* aumento salarial = salary increase, pay rise, salary rise.
* aumento salarial por méritos = merit salary increase.
* aumento transitorio de tensión = surge.
* aumento vertiginoso = explosion, spiralling [spiraling, -USA].
* conceder aumento salarial = award + salary increase.
* en aumento = burgeoning, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, growing, heightening.
* en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
* en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
* espejo de aumento = magnifying mirror.
* experimentar un aumento = experience + rise.
* experimentar un aumento vertiginoso = experience + explosion.
* ir en aumento = be on the increase.
* lector de aumento = magnifying reader.
* lente de aumento = magnifying glass, magnifier.
* mamoplastía de aumento = augmentation mammoplasty.
* ritmo de aumento = rate of increase.
* tasa de aumento = growth rate, rate of growth, rate of increase.